This week sees the launch of the pro.manchester Business Conditions Survey in association with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. The quarterly poll of nominated members will provide vital information on the health and success of the financial and professional services sector.
Fourteen key questions will be polled on line using Survey Monkey, the on line survey tool. A compilation of the results will be available to members and the results will be combined into the Greater Manchester Chamber Quarterly Economic Survey. The pro.manchester on line poll for Q2 is live and available now for designated respondents within member firms. Respondents will receive individual personalised links to the survey.
Brian Sloan, Head of Business and Economic Policy at Greater Manchester Chamber said : "The Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for quarter two is also now open".
“With conflicting data over the strength of the recovery, a strong response to the Chamber’s QES will help the Chamber advise Government. Independent economists, the Bank of England, AGMA and MPs across the region are all very keen to learn what members are saying about the region’s economy. This short survey will ensure the voice of business continues to be heard by important decision makers, both locally and nationally.”
Adding pro.manchester to the survey will push the level of respondents to 1,000 providing valuable information on the Greater Manchester Economy. The quarterly business conditions survey will be added to the pro.manchester Economics Quarterly and the pro.manchester Corporate FInance Review. A greater Manchester Property Review, the latter in association with the Property Agents Group is expected to follow shortly.
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The views expressed are my own and in no way reflect pro.manchester policy. In no way should the comments be considered as investment advice or guidelines or reflect political bias. UK Economics news and analysis : no politics, no dogma, no polemics, just facts. JKA is a visiting professor at MMU Business School, an economist and specialist in Corporate Strategy, educated at LSE, London Business School with a PhD from Manchester Metropolitan University.